Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fatty globs are GONE!

Yesterday on Tuesday January 20th, I went in for outpatient surgery to remove the fatty, benign tumors from underneath the tricep, near the inside elbow of my right arm. I didn't know until I talked to the surgeon that morning that they had decided to take them out of both arms (I have a smaller one in the same spot on the left arm. Again, the worst case scenario is that these are lymph nodes that are out of whack and not in the exact right spot, As the surgeon said with a big grin on his face, "If these turn out to be lymph nodes with breast cancer cells in them, you're going to have several papers written about you!"

Yippee! I did not have a general, just a local, so it was a little strange to be awake for most of that. The positioning was weird as they had to hold my arms kind of over my head as well, pinned down to trays like flying buttresses. But it went quickly and and I was back at Michelle's by about noonish and soon she drove me home. Will helped me changed the first layer of bandages this morning and the final layer will come off in four days.

Am still very happily to be nausea free, even with the hydrocodone that they always give me after surgery. That has always been a bucket-worth med for me, as well as any other narcotic pain relievers. Not this time.

We are supposed to hear by Friday what pathology says about the growths.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So happy to hear that your anti-emetic drugs seem to be working. In my book, vomiting is THE worst! So much so that - to date - I still haven't read your "Marbles and Acorns and Walnuts" entry. Your writing is much too vivid for me to stomach that one. No pun intended. Sending prayers your way for positive results on your fatty pathy report and continued success with your treatments.
