Wednesday, January 18, 2017

I Thought We Had an Agreement

Cancer Sucks. That is all.

This is the very succinct message on a frig magnet that one of my girlfriends gave me. I know it has been more than a year since I wrote anything, but I see this magnet every day.  I am happy to say that I do not think about cancer every day.

I got a text earlier today from a friend of mine who was diagnosed this past week with an egg-sized lump in her left breast, and the cancer has already spread to her lymph nodes. I just talked to her on the phone and am so happy to find her in good spirits.  She is in the full-steam-ahead mode. "Bring it on," she actually said. You go girl! With an attitude like that, the battle is half won.

I told her I kind of felt the same way when I was going through much of my treatment. I bargained with the universe that if I could be the 1-in-8 to get breast cancer, that it would mean that none of my sisters or sisters-in-laws would get it. Bring it on. If my having breast cancer would mean that none of my daughters or nieces gets it, then bring it on. If my having breast cancer would mean that none of my girlfriends gets it, then bring it on. I'm strong. I can do this. I can take this on. Good trade.

So I was kind of surprised when my friend let me know that she had been diagnosed. That's not possible. I did the treatment. I did the time. I did the surgery. I did the chemo. I did the radiation. WTH? I guess the universe is reneging on the bargain.

Well FU, universe, because this friend can do it, and she will. Cancer, you are entering another battle in which you will lose.

 Cancer Sucks. That is all.